Covid 19 Smart Cloud Article

Remote work has become big business according to the source, Business Wire, with 55% of global businesses offering the option of remote work to their previously, on-premises employees, with 18% of the total global workforce expecting to telecommute on a full-time basis. Telecommuters are loving the shift, with 77% of them reporting higher productivity. How is this happening? How have businesses made this shift so quickly and securely? Enterprises are attempting to support their remote workforce by evaluating and sometimes overhauling their cloud models, and moving quickly toward hybrid cloud.

The public sector has the greatest pressure on them to provide safe, reliable and secure connection to their remote workers, who arguably are responsible for our MOST personal information. COVID made it impossible for government and public sector to ignore the need to adopt cloud and digitally transform. Typically, government employees have been strictly based in brick-and-mortar operations with strict security and processes. Suddenly, these same employees are home-bound for the foreseeable future and the business of government must go on!  So, what can we expect to see in this sector in the upcoming years?

“Modernize or Go Home”

Investment in cloud began years ago, with a steady increase in subsequent years, until COVID dealt the killing blow, forcing holdouts to finally invest or die. Investment in public, private and hybrid cloud is expected to increase exponentially – and promise to be vital to the success of all businesses.

“Focus in on Telework”

There has been a marked increase in public cloud investment in the post-COVID times, as business plans to permanently shift to a partial telework business model. This trend is predicted to increase, with very few organizations dying to get back to their more traditional, pre-pandemic work environment.

“Ahead in the Hybrid Cloud”

Hybrid cloud is cementing it’s place in our work-lives, being recognized as almost the “ideal” operation model for enterprise – the issue remains in enterprises’ ability to deploy the right solution to get them what they need.

“High Expectations of Security”

Individuals are becoming more aware of how vital network security is to their safety and security, and are thus expecting more of their security providers. With all our data in the cloud, it’s critical that your business doesn’t get the reputation of losing personal customer information because of lax security practices.

Sangfor Cloud is an innovative, go-to cloud solution provider committed to delivering advanced solutions and services to save time and money, and make operation and management smooth, flexible, safe and reliable. Sangfor provides reliable and powerful solutions for government, like their

(HCI) solution. Sangfor’s Cloud Platform is the digital transformation solution the public sector needs to stay current.

Why Sangfor?

Sangfor Technologies is an APAC-based, global leading vendor of IT infrastructure solutions specializing in Network Security and Cloud Computing. Visit us at to learn more about Sangfor’s cloud and security solutions, and let Sangfor make your IT simpler, more secure and valuable.


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